Saturday, May 30, 2009

Inside EVOlution 2004!


Year after year hundreds to thousands of gamers throughout the fighting videogame community travel thousands of miles to compete against players from all over the globe, to display their skills and prove who is the best fighting gamer of that year. “Inside EVOlution 2004” goes behind the tournament scene to bring you exclusive coverage of matches as well as interviews from some of the most charismatic personalities in the “Street Fighter” gaming community. For the next hour put your controllers down and step Inside EVOlution 2004!

Enjoy the movie!!!

[For best playback performance,
let the whole video load up before watching]


Inside EVOlution 2004 from ShankarFilms on Vimeo.

Inside EVOlution 2004
Dir. Shankar Tablada
Apoc, Afro Cole, Justin Wong, Eddie Lee, John Choi, Alex Valle, Buktooth, David Sirlin, Tragic, Dr. B & many more!

I have set up a pay pal donate button for those of you that can support this project. Anything is welcomed. Thanks again for the support!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Inside EVOlution Trailer

I have set up a pay pal donate button for those of you that can support this project. Anything is welcomed. Thanks again for the support!

Inside EVOlution Trailer:

Inside EVOlution Trailer from ShankarFilms on Vimeo.